Lighting Assist Ltd
Health & Safety Statement
Health and Safety Policy Statement
Lighting Assist Ltd. is committed to providing a healthy and safe working Environment. We recognise our responsibilities in this area, including the importance of compliance with relevant current Health and Safety legislation and Codes of Practice. Lighting Assist Ltd. is committed to:
• Providing and maintaining a safe place of work, safe systems of work, safe equipment and machinery, and a safe and healthy environment.
• Providing Health and Safety information, instruction and supervision to, and in consultation with all it’s employees and subcontractors.
• The identification and control of risks to Health and Safety.
• Promoting awareness of, and responsibility for, the standards of Health and Safety.
• Respecting its neighbours and the environment and to avoid activities which could affect them.
• Monitoring and reviewing of Health and Safety procedures on a regular basis.
Everyone whilst working for the company has responsibility for Health and Safety. All employees and subcontractors are reminded of their responsibility to take reasonable care of the Health and Safety of themselves and of others who may be affected. They are required to carry out their duties in accordance with training or instruction to ensure compliance with legal requirements.
Signed: --------------------------------------------------- Peter Keiderling 13 December 2011